The Week in Sales at EUROHISTORY

 It was, thankfully, a very busy week at Eurohistory. We appreciate tremendously the continued support of our clients and value every single sale!

These are the week’s top five books….


For a fourth week in a row, THE GRAND DUCAL HOUSE OF HESSE sits comfortably on the top of our top sellers’ list!

When Arturo E. Beéche founded Eurohistory in 1997, he envisioned the creation of a library of royal books encompassing all of Europe’s ruling and formerly ruling dynasties. Two decades later, and after more than 30 books and over 120 issues of Eurohistory, the royalty journal he founded in 1997, we bring you The Grand Ducal House of Hesse. This is the third German dynasty that Eurohistory publishes a book about, the first two being the Ducal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and the Royal House of Bavaria (Volume I). This project is the culmination of more than two decades of research conducted by the authors. Beéche having already cooperated on several books and articles with Ms. Miller, a regular contributor to Eurohistory, pairing for another collaborative project was seamless. The Hesse and by Rhine Dynasty is one which Ms. Miller, better-known for her extensive work on the four daughters of Grand Duchess Alice of Hesse and by Rhine, with particular interest on Victoria Milford Haven, also feels passionately about. The result of years of research in Europe allowed Ms. Miller a unique insight into the lives of these four tragic sisters. The storyline begins in 1567. This was the year when the sons of Landgrave Philip “the Magnanimous” divided his vast lands among them. All branches of the Hessian dynasty stem from this territorial division. The Grand Ducal House of Hesse and by Rhine is among the most important German dynasties. Its members form a kaleidoscope of unique human beings: military and religious leaders, peculiar and heroic figures, talented artists and scientists, patrons of the arts and music, visionary and romantic architects, lucky and tragic people, dilettantes more interested in passing by than making a mark. They simply had it all. Their mark, not only in Darmstadt, but also throughout the Rhineland, is palpable in nearly every aspect of the region’s history, arts, letters, music, and architecture.


It’s a tie between two of our best selling books, THE FOUR GRACES: Queen Victoria’s Hessian Granddaughters & THE ROYAL HOUSE OF BAVARIA: ROYAL COLLECTIONS III

Eurohistory brings you Ilana Miller’s amazing story of Victoria, Elisabeth, Irene and Alix of Hesse and by Rhine, Queen Victoria’s Hessian granddaughters, The Four Graces. This excellent book covers the lifespan of these four very tragic sisters. Ms. Miller did extensive research to bring us closer to the four sisters of Hesse. The thrilling narrative is certain to keep the reader grasped as the lives of these women unfold. Handsomely illustrated with unique photos of the Hessian sisters and their descendants, this hardbound book promises to become a “must-read” for anyone interested in European royal history and the Russian Imperial Family. The book also includes several family trees helping the reader place the extensive cast of characters in historical perspective.

The Wittelsbachs ruled over Bavaria and the Rhineland Palatinate for nearly 750 years, this fact made their dynasty one of Europe’s longest-ruling families. Theirs is a history of not only sublime exaltation, but also deep and sorrowful loss. They were patrons of the arts and letters, incredible builders, scientists, politicians, visionaries, and maddening personalities. This first volume covers the history of the family from its beginning in the XI century to the life of Crown Prince Rupprecht, who died in 1955. In fact, the book is dedicated to him, “the best king Bavaria never had.”




We rarely have seen three books tie for a spot on our best-seller list…particularly when one of them (ROYAL HELLENIC DYNASTY) has been in print since 2007! The other two are THE GRAND DUKES and SISTERS: Daisy of Pleß and Shelagh Duchess of Westminster!

Co-Authored by HRH Prince Michael of Greece, Mrs. Helen Helmis-Markesinis and Arturo E. Beéche, the book contains a magnificent selection of Greek royal photos, all from the collections of Queen Olga, Queen Sophie, Queen Elisabeth, Queen Frederica, as well as other members of this amazing family, such as Princess Nicholas of Greece and Queen Mother Helen of Romania. Under the title of Elleniki Dynazteia, this book was first published in Greek several years. Our English language version changed the order of some of the photos, includes detailed captions and a new and a very detailed family tree. The book is 204 pages long and filled with nearly 200 excellent photos of Greek and related royalty.

Arturo E. Beéche, founder and publisher of The European Royal History Journal, thought of the idea for an anthology on Russia’s Grand Duchesses in 2004. Consequently, a companion book on the Russian Grand Dukes became imperative. The Grand Dukes: Sons & Grandsons of Russia’s Tsars Since Paul I examines the biographies of nearly forty men whose birth gave them the right to one of the world’s most prestigious positions. All sons of Russian tsars are covered in Volume I. The sons of collateral grand ducal branches are covered in Volume II. The biography of each of the Grand Dukes of Russia brings to life a deeply gripping human saga. These men were born into what then was one of the world’s most powerful ruling dynasties. They were not all saints; they were not all demons – they were men whose birth showered them with untold privilege. Some used their birthright for the common good; some did not. Yet, they all remain amazingly intriguing, complex, complicated and conflicted human beings. At birth they were showered with untold privilege, including a lump sum of money placed in trust for them. By the time these funds were made available to a Grand Duke, the interest alone made them amazingly wealthy. Added to this benefit, they derived salaries from their military appointments, investments, real estate and inheritance. Thus, the Grand Dukes were able to maintain a lifestyle only surpassed by today’s oligarchs and yesteryear’s robber barons. They were consummate spenders in paintings, art, architecture, jewels, all while acting as sponsors of talented writers, thinkers, poets, ballerinas, among many others. One was a playwright of considerable talent. Another played a role in working toward the liberation of the serfs. One was a leading admiral with a fondness for “fast women and slow ships.”

Imported from Poland, this is a very interesting dual biography of two sisters (Daisy Pleß and Shelagh Westminster) who were among the top “it” girls in Edwardian England!


This week’s other major surprise was four books tying for FOURTH place!

The history of King Christian IX of Denmark, the Father-in-law of Europe, and his descendants. Covering the last 150 years of the royal and imperial houses of: Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Greece, Romania, Russia, Hanover, Baden, Mecklenburg-Schwerin and many other related dynasties and princely houses. The authors have handsomely documented their writings with nearly 450 exquisite and rare photos of King Christian IX and his wife Louise and their descendants.

The first-ever biography of Portugal’s controversial Queen Maria Pia, wife of King Luis, mother of assassinated King Carlos. Using previously unused sources, as well as the famed Queen’s correspondence, the author managed to reconstruct the life of a strong woman who had a terribly difficult life in a kingdom where she arrived as a teen bride. A Savoy by birth, Maria Pia dedicated her life to the needs of her adopted country, Portugal.

Included in this unique work, the Second Volume in a two-volume series, are 18 biographies of Russian grand dukes. These were the junior lines of the Russian Imperial Family at the time of the Revolution in 1917: Vladimirovichi, Pavlovichi, Konstantinovichi, Nikolaevichi and Mikhailovichi. The book is illustrated with exquisite and rare photographs of these intriguing men, their families and descendants. It also includes several family trees. The chapters were authored by some of today’s most recognized authors and scholars on the Romanov Dynasty.

Death of a Romanov Prince – Prince Oleg Konstantinovich’s Promising Life and Early Death “The coffin was lowered into the grave…… Soon there was a burial mound above. It was quickly covered with wreaths, flowers and crowned with a plain wooden cross. Prince Oleg’s promising life was finished.” Death of a Romanov Prince follows the brief life-journey of Prince Oleg Konstantinovich, one of the lesser-known members of the powerful and privileged Russian Imperial family. He was a talented young man of intellectual and artistic genius. Oleg was the gifted son of the talented Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, who wrote under the pseudonym of KR. The Grand Duke was a friend of Tchaikovsky, who set his numerous poems to music, and who established literary circles for his troops, translated Hamlet into Russian, and wrote The King of the Jews, an original play that he and his sons performed. The reader will follow Prince Oleg Konstantinovich, his family, and Imperial cousins, as his life takes him via the luxuries of the family’s four magnificent palaces of Pavlovsk, in Tsarskoye Selo, the Marble Palace in St Petersburg, the Konstantine Palace at Strelna; and the Ostashevo Estate near Moscow; as well as numerous holidays in the Crimea. The young prince enjoyed the most liberal program in literary, scientific, and artistic education. He was the first Romanov to be enrolled in a civilian school and graduated from the Imperial Lyceum in St Petersburg, where in 1913 he won the Pushkin Medal for his academic achievements. At the age of 21, Prince Oleg Konstantinovich was on the crest of a brilliant career and personal greatness when World War I began. Then tragedy struck … Death of a Romanov Prince brings the reader into the battlefields of World War I’s Eastern Front. Bloody battles fought in northern Poland and Lithuania’s Masurian Lakes. It was while fighting there that Prince Oleg led his troops into heroic cavalry charges against the Germans.


In 1913, the Romanovs celebrated three hundred years of seating on the Russian Imperial throne. Great fanfare and hope accompanied the celebrations. A year later, Imperial Russia entered a “war to end all wars,” with the hope of “being back home for Christmas.” It was not to be. Instead, in February 1917, after years of administrative and military ineptitude and incompetence, the Russian people had enough of its government’s inefficacy and corruption. The consequences, as it turned out, changed the world. Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown; members of the Imperial Family faced persecution, arrest, financial instability, uncertainty, and worse. This is the compelling story of how the Romanovs dealt with glory, war, revolution, persecution, imprisonment, and escape!

To Order…besides AMAZON…you can reach us at:

6300 Kensington Avenue
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Phone. 510.236.1730


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