The Serbian Twins Turn 40: the Birthday of Prince Philip and Prince Alexander!

Prince Alexander and Prince Philip.Photograph courtesy of the Royal Family of Serbia.   Today, Prince Philip and Prince Alexander of Serbia celebrate their fortieth birthdays! The birth of the twin princes is noted in the Chicago Tribune of 25 January 1982. Princess Maria da Gloria holding Prince Alexander and Prince Philip while Prince Peter looks on, 1982. Born…

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The Funeral of Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau

Photo (c) Sabine Brauer of Brauer Photos.  Yesterday, 6 October, Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau was buried at the Nordfriedhof in Munich, Bavaria. Aged, ninety-one, Beatrix died at hospital in Regensburg on 30 September.  Countess Irina, Count Alexander, Princess Gloria, and Count Carl-Alban at the funeral of their mother. Photo (c) Sabine Brauer of Brauer Photos. The funeral of…

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The Passing of a Patriarch: Andrew Andreevich Romanoff, Prince Romanovsky (1923-2021)

Prince Andrew at his home in 2015.Photo (c) Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images / San Francisco Chronicle. On 28 November 2021, Andrew Andreevich Romanoff, Prince Romanovsky, died at the age of ninety-eight. Andrew was the longest-lived male-line descendant of the Romanov dynasty. He was the last surviving great-nephew of the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II….

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