The 80th Birthdays of Michel & Jacques d’Orléans, the French Royal Twins

The twin French princelings. Today, Prince Michel d’Orléans, Count of Évreux, and Prince Jacques d’Orléans, Duke of Orléans, celebrate their eightieth birthdays! On 25 June 1941, Prince Michel Joseph Benoît Marie d’Orléans and Prince Jacques Jean Jaroslav Marie d’Orléans were born at Rabat, Morocco. The twin boys were the seventh and eighth children of Prince…

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Prince Achi of Greece Turns Twenty!

Prince Achileas-Andreas of Greece and Denmark Today HRH Prince Achileas-Andreas of Greece and Denmark celebrates his twentieth birthday! Embed from Getty Images The prince was born on 12 August 2000 at NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital, New York City.. He is the third child and second son of Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece and Crown Princess Marie Chantal (née…

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A Surprise Royal Marriage: Dowager Princess Miriam of Turnovo Weds Prince Ghazi of Jordan!

Princess Miriam Ghazi, King Abdullah II of Jordan, and Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad.Photo (c) RHC. The Royal Hashemite Court issued the following communiqué earlier today: The Royal Hashemite Court is pleased to announce the marriage of His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad and Her Royal Highness Princess Miriam, Princess of Turnovo, on Saturday, 3 September…

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A Ruby Wedding Anniversary: Count Riprand of Arco-Zinneberg & Archduchess Maria Beatrix of Austria-Este

Archduchess Maria Beatrix of Austria-Este and Count Riprand von und zu Arco-Zinneberg The year 1980 saw the marriages of three Archduchesses of Austria: Monika (b.1954; daughter of Archduke Otto and Archduchess Regina), Maria Beatrix (b.1954; daughter of Archduke Robert and Archduchess Margherita), and Maria del Pilar (b.1953; daughter of Archduke Felix and Archduchess Anna-Eugénie). In…

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