The 95th Birthday of Sylviane Muselier, Half-Sister of Queen Geraldine of Albania

Sylviane in front of portraits of her sister Queen Geraldine and her brother-in-law King Zog. Today, Sylviane Girault Muselier turns ninety-five! Gladys Virginia Stewart. Born on 3 August 1927 at Mehun-sur-Yèvre, Centre-Val de Loire, Sylviane Girault was the eldest child of and Gontran Girault (1882-1964) and Gladys Virginia Stewart (1891–1947), who wed in 1926. Sylviane was joined by…

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And we are LIVE – Eurohistory’s New Website is Online!

EUROHISTORY 6300 Kensington Avenue East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 Phone 510-236-1730 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Our new website: Today, after months of working with web designers at and several dry-runs, we are delighted to announce that the new online home of EUROHISTORY is up and running! Eventually, in the next couple of weeks,…

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Archaeologist and Author: Prince Erkinger von Schwarzenberg (1933-2022)

Prince Erkinger von Schwarzenberg died on 29 April at San Casciano, near Florence. The prince had turned eighty-nine years-old earlier that month. The prince’s father Johann and mother Kathleen. Born on 8 April 1933 at Vienna, Prince Karl Erkinger Thaddäus von Schwarzenberg was the first child and only son of Prince Johann von Schwarzenberg (1903-1978) and Vicomtesse…

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Death of the Head of the Princely House of Bismarck

Embed from Getty Images Aged eighty-eight, Fürst Ferdinand von Bismarck has passed away following complications experienced during a surgery. Ferdinand was the great-grandson of Otto von Bismarck, former German Chancellor. The late fürst is survived by his wife, Fürstin Elisabeth (b.1939; née Lippens), and by three children: the new Fürst Carl-Eduard (b.1961), Count Gregor (b.1964),…

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