Princess Gloria of Thurn and Taxis: The “Princess TNT” Years

Countess Mariae Gloria Ferdinanda Joachima Josephine Wilhelmine Huberta of Schönburg-Glauchau was born at Stuttgart-Degerloch on 23 February 1960. She was the second child and second daughter of Count Joachim of Schönburg-Glauchau (1929-1998) and his first wife Countess Beatrix (b.1930; née Széchényi de Sárvár et Felsövidék). Gloria joined an elder sister, Maya (1958-2019), and was followed…

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Bourbon-Two Sicilies Scion Weds Spanish Duchess

      Thanks to the research of royal genealogist (and our dear friend) Hein Bruins, it has become known that Don Rodrigo Moreno y Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, were married in 2020. Infanta Alicia of Spain, Dowager Duchess of Calabria, and her grandson Don Rodrigo Moreno y…

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The Religious Marriage of Prince and Princess Rostislav Romanovsky

Prince and Princess Romanovsky during their religious wedding. Photo (c) Petr Axenoff. Photo (c) Petr Axenoff. On Sunday, 12 September, at 3:00pm, Prince Rostislav Rostislavovich and Princess Fonteini Romanovsky celebrated their religious wedding at the Cathédrale Saint-Alexandre Nevsky on 12 rue Daru in Paris in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. The church was established and…

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Twins for Prince Christian and Princess Alessandra of Hannover: Nicolás and Sofía

On 7 July 2020, Prince Nicolás and Princess Sofía of Hannover were born in a hospital on the outskirts of Madrid. The twins were born to Prince Christian of Hannover and his wife Princess Alessandra. The pregnancy was announced in March of this year. Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’aX3_km5cRvR50JgEGi1pOQ’,sig:’bqLin84K8jeCw7-TCEGJi2ltL0uC_mJOUjrKZoK7Ep8=’,w:’594px’,h:’395px’,items:’932899730′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })}); Prince Christian…

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The 85th Birthday of the Duke de Sabran

The duke and duchess de Sabran.Photo (c) Getty Images / Bertrand Rindoff Petroff.   Today, the 8th Duc de Sabran celebrates his eighty-fifth birthday!   Born on 30 April 1937 at Villecresnes, Charles Élzéar Marie Joseph Adrien de Sabran-Pontevès was the first child of Foulques, 7th Duc de Sabran (1908-1973) and Roselyne Manca-Amat de Vallambrosa (1910-1988). Roselyne, duchesse de Sabran,…

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The Story of Two Grandes Dames: Helen of Romania & Margrethe of Bourbon-Parma

Queen Mother Helen of Romania and Princess Margrethe of Bourbon-Parma in later life. Queen Mother Helen of Romania and Princess Margrethe of Bourbon-Parma were first cousins once removed. Both Helen and Margrethe were descendants of King Christian IX of Denmark (1818-1906) and his wife Queen Luise (1817-1898; née Hesse-Kassel). Helen and Margrethe’s children would later form a fantastic dynastic…

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