New Book: The Romanovs Adrift

Eurohistory’s 31st book, The Romanovs Adrift, is out now and selling on AMAZON.COM! In 1913, the Romanovs celebrated three hundred years of seating on the Russian Imperial throne. Great fanfare and hope accompanied the celebrations. A year later, Imperial Russia entered a “war to end all wars,” with the hope of “being back home for Christmas.”…

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The 50th Birthday of the Duke de Chartres

Today, Prince Charles-Louis d’Orléans, Duke de Chartres, celebrates his fiftieth birthday. Jacques and Gersende with their three children, 1979. Born on 11 July 1972 at Neuilly-sur-Seine, Prince Charles-Louis Henri Foulques Benoït Elzéar Jean Marie d’Orléans was the second child and first son of Prince Jacques d’Orléans, Duke d’Orléans, and Princess Gersende (née de Sabran-Pontevès), who wed…

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The 80th Birthday of Princess Marion d’Orléans, Dowager Countess of La Marche

Thibaut, Marion, and Robert. Photo (c) Micheline PELLETIER/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images. Today, Princess Marion d’Orléans, Dowager Countess of La Marche, celebrates her eightieth birthday. Born on 4 September 1942 at Santiago, Chile, Marion Mercedes Gordon-Orr was the only daughter of James Gordon-Orr (1894-1973), an engineer, and Gertrude Mercedes Devia Hermosilla (1914-2003). Marion’s paternal grandparents were Alexander Orr…

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Thyra, Duchesse d’Harcourt (1930-2021)

La duchesse d’Harcourt.Portrait (c) Carme Arisa. Thyra de Zayas, Duchesse d’Harcourt, died on 8 November 2021. She was ninety-one years-old.      Alfonso de Zayas. Juliette d’Harcourt. Born on 31 August 1930 at Palma de Mallorca, Maria Teresa “Thyra” de Zayas y d’Harcourt was the daughter of don Alfonso de Zayas y Bobadilla (1896-1970), Marques de…

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Nicholas of Romania Establishes Charitable Organisation To Promote Royal History and Environmental Advances

Today, Prince Nicholas of Romania announced the founding of the Asociatia Principele Nicolae (The Prince Nicolae Association), a nonprofit organisation that aims to continue the mission started by his ancestors, the kings and queens of Romania. The Prince Nicolae Association was formally registered with the Romanian government on 7 August 2019: it is based in Bucharest….

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The Demonisation of Queen Mother Frederica of Greece During the 1974 Greek Referendum

“COMING!!!”Poster from the anti-monarchy campaign in the 1974 Greek referendum. In the chapter on King Constantine II of Greece in Royalty in Exile by Charles Fenyvesi, the author notes on page 181 that “the most effective weapon in the antimonarchist campaign was a poster with Frederika’s picture captioned, ‘I am coming!’“ For almost a decade, I was…

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