Upcoming Baptism in Romania

Nicholas and Alina-Maria with Maria-Alexandra and Michael. Michael of Romania, the only son of Nicholas and Alina-Maria of Romania, will be baptised at the Coronation Cathedral on 18 June at the Coronation Cathedral in Alba Iulia. Announcement from Prince Nicholas of Romania. Michael of Romania was born on 15 April 2022 at Bucharest. He is…

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The 2022 Royal Versailles Ball

Prince Jean-Christophe and Princess Olympia Napoléon. Photo (c) Rowben Lantion/BFA.com.   Last Saturday, 21 May, the Royal Versailles Ball was held at the Palace of Versailles. The Royal Versailles Ball celebrates the historic state visit between Queen Victoria and Emperor Napoléon III in 1855 at Versailles. The Royal Versailles Ball is held to raise money to…

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