Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1933-2022)

Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke Carl of Württemberg, and Princess Marie-Thérèse d’Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier in 2000.Photo (c) Seeger-Press. According to the Annuario della Nobiltà Italiana, Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies died on Saturday, 29 January, at the age of eighty-eight. The Royal Family of Württemberg gather in 1973 to celebrate the 80th birthday of…

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The 50th Birthday of the Duke de Chartres

Today, Prince Charles-Louis d’Orléans, Duke de Chartres, celebrates his fiftieth birthday. Jacques and Gersende with their three children, 1979. Born on 11 July 1972 at Neuilly-sur-Seine, Prince Charles-Louis Henri Foulques Benoït Elzéar Jean Marie d’Orléans was the second child and first son of Prince Jacques d’Orléans, Duke d’Orléans, and Princess Gersende (née de Sabran-Pontevès), who wed…

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