The 60th Birthday of Duchess Caroline of Oldenburg

Duchess Caroline of Oldenburg in 2013. Today, Duchess Caroline of Oldenburg celebrates her sixtieth birthday. Born on 10 April 1962 at Kiel, Countess Caroline zu Rantzau was the youngest child and second daughter of Count Christian zu Rantzau (1924-2002) and Héloise von Lettow-Vorbeck (1923-2018), who wed in 1954. Caroline’s paternal uncle Count Kuno zu Rantzau…

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The 30th Birthday of Princess Sophie Napoléon!

Princess Sophie and companion attend the wedding of her brother Prince Jean-Christophe, 2019. Today, Princess Sophie Napoléon celebrates her thirtieth birthday! Prince Charles with his daughter Princess Sophie. Photo (c) Getty Images / Benoit Gysembergh. Princess Jeanne Françoise, Prince Charles, and their daughter Princess Sophie. Photo (c) Getty Images / Benoit Gysembergh. Born on 18…

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The 90th Birthday of Princess Isabelle d’Orléans, Countess of Schönborn-Buchheim

Count Friedrich Karl von Schönborn and Princess Isabelle d’Orléans at the funeral of Madame the Countess of Paris, 2003. Today, Princess Isabelle d’Orléans celebrates her ninetieth birthday! Isabelle with her grandparents/godparents: Princess Elizabeth of Orléans-Branganza and the Duke of Guise, 1932. The baptism of Princess Isabelle. From left to right: Princess Isabelle, Countess d’Harcourt; the…

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