The Baptism of Prince Bagrat Bagationi

    On Monday, 31 May, Prince Bagrat Bagrationi was baptised at Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. His Eminence Bishop Davit Alaverdeli presided over the service. Prince Bagrat Bagrationi was born on 19 January in Tbilisi, Georgia. The little prince was named after his late paternal grandfather. Bagrat is the first child of Prince Juan Bagration-Mukhransky and his wife…

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A Staunch Humanitarian: Princess Cécile of Bourbon-Parma (1935-2021)

Princess Cécile of Bourbon-Parma. On Wednesday, 1 September 2021, Princess Cécile of Bourbon-Parma died at the Hôpital Broca, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. The princess was eighty-six years-old.  Her death was announced on social media by her nephew Duke Carlos Javier of Parma and by only surviving brother, Prince Sixte-Henri. Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma and Madeline…

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Noble Couplings That Were Not To Be: Hereditary Prince Gustav of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Elvire Pasté de Rochefort

Noble Couplings That Were Not To Be:  Hereditary Prince Gustav of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Elvire Pasté de Rochefort Princess Benedikte of Denmark, Fürst Richard of S-W-B, Elvire Pasté de Rochefort, Prince Gustav of S-W-B On 16 August 2000, the Danish royal house announced the betrothal between Prince Gustav of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (b.12 January 1969; eldest of three…

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