Duke Eugen Eberhard of Württemberg (1930-2022)

Duke Alexander, Duchess Sophie, and Duke Eugen attend the wedding of Duchess Fleur, 2003.Photograph (c) Seeger-Presse / Sandra Zellner. Ivaylo Schalafoff, the Executive Director of the King Boris and Queen Giovanna Royal Heritage Fund, has announced that Duke Eugen of Württemberg died this afternoon (26 July), aged ninety-one. Eugen was a first cousin of the…

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Nicholas of Romania Establishes Charitable Organisation To Promote Royal History and Environmental Advances

Today, Prince Nicholas of Romania announced the founding of the Asociatia Principele Nicolae (The Prince Nicolae Association), a nonprofit organisation that aims to continue the mission started by his ancestors, the kings and queens of Romania. The Prince Nicolae Association was formally registered with the Romanian government on 7 August 2019: it is based in Bucharest….

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The Marriage of Prince Henri of Bourbon-Parma and Archduchess Gabriella of Austria

The Bourbon-Parma/Austria nuptials   HRH Prince Henri of Bourbon-Parma and HI&RH Archduchess Gabriella of Austria were married today at Schloß Tratzberg in Jenbach, Austria. Archduchess Gabriella wore the Grand Duchess Adelaide Tiara. Father Paul Habsburg (b.1968; né Archduke of Austria; son of Archduke Michael of Austria and Archduchess Christina [née Princess zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenburg]), a cousin of the bride,…

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The Duchess of Angoulême Celebrates Her Fiftieth Birthday

Embed from Getty Images   Embed from Getty Images On 25 June 1969, Marie-Liesse Claude Anne Rolande de Rohan-Chabot was born at Paris as the first child of Count Louis-Mériadec de Rohan-Chabot (b.1937) and his wife Princess Isabelle Marie Laurence Mathilde de Bauffremont-Courtenay (b.1944). Louis and Isabelle had married in 1968. Marie-Liesse was joined by five siblings: Thibault (b.1970), Eléonore…

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