The Mysterious Diana Battye: the Beautiful Bride of an Asquith Scion Who Vanished Before Their Wedding

Michael Asquith and Diana Battye, 1938. On 5 September 1915, Diana “Didi” Eveline Montagu Battye was born at Kensington, London. Diana was the only child of Lieutenant Colonel Percival “Percy” Lawrence Montagu Battye (1886-1945) and Elisabeth (also known as “Elise” and “Elsie“) Rodocanachi (1891-1982), who married at All Saints Church, Binfield, on 23 June 1914.  The marriage…

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The 60th Birthday of Princess Blanche d’Orléans

Princess Blanche with her mother Princess Marie-Thérèse, Duchess of Montpensier.Photo (c) Getty Images / Pool Van der Putten/Croy. Today, Princess Blanche d’Orléans celebrates her sixtieth birthday! The Count and Countess of Clermont with their four eldest children, 1965.From left to right: Princess Marie, Princess Blanche, the Countess of Clermont holding Prince Jean, the Count of…

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Noble Weddings Today in Spain and France

Belén and Carlos. In Spain, Don Carlos Fitzjames-Stuart y de Solis, Conde de Osorno, married Belén Corsini y Lacalle at the Liria Palace in Madrid. Born on 30 November 1991 at Madrid, Carlos is the second son of Don Carlos Fitzjames-Stuart y Martinez de Irujo, Duque de Huescar, Duque de Alba (b.1949) and Doña Matilda de Solis…

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A Recent Marriage and Birth in the Princely Families of Germany

On 19 December 2020, Princess Teresa zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg married Alexander de Cruce Grubb Villiers-Stuart. Prince Johannes and Princess Bettina with their daughters Princess Teresa and Princess Helena.Photograph (c) PPE Agency. Alexander de Cruce Grubb Villiers-Stuart.Photograph (c) Twitter. Born in 1988 at Munich, Princess Teresa Elisabeth Marina Franziska zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg is the eldest daughter of Prince Johannes…

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