Huno and Johann: The Twin Dukes of Oldenburg Celebrate Their Birthday

Hereditary Grand Duke Nikolaus of Oldenburg and Princess Helene of Waldeck and Pyrmont Hereditary Grand Duchess Helene of Oldenburg Hereditary Grand Duke Nikolaus of Oldenburg and Hereditary Grand Duchess Helene (née Waldeck und Pyrmont) On 3 January 1940, Hereditary Grand Duke Nikolaus of Oldenburg (1897-1970) and his wife Hereditary Grand Duchess Helene (1899-1948; née Princess…

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The Funeral of Prince Luiz of Brazil

The coffin of Prince Luiz. Members of the Brazilian Navy surround the coffin. Photo (c) Pró Monarquia. On Monday, 18 July 2022, the funeral of HIH Prince Luiz  of Brazil took place at the Church of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus in São Paulo. The burial took place following the funeral at the Consolação…

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The 70th Birthday of Princess Marie-Christine of Belgium, Aunt of the Belgian King

    Embed from Getty Images On 6 February 1951, Princess Marie-Christine Daphné Astrid Elisabeth Léopoldine of Belgium as born at Laeken as the second child and eldest daughter of King Léopold III of the Belgians (1901-1983) and his second wife Mary Lilian Baels (1916-2002; created Princess de Réthy). As such, Marie-Christine (who sometimes goes by her…

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The 60th Birthday of Duchess Caroline of Oldenburg

Duchess Caroline of Oldenburg in 2013. Today, Duchess Caroline of Oldenburg celebrates her sixtieth birthday. Born on 10 April 1962 at Kiel, Countess Caroline zu Rantzau was the youngest child and second daughter of Count Christian zu Rantzau (1924-2002) and Héloise von Lettow-Vorbeck (1923-2018), who wed in 1954. Caroline’s paternal uncle Count Kuno zu Rantzau…

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