Countess Beatrice von Hochberg (1929-2021), Granddaughter of Princess Daisy of Pless

Photo (c) Fundacja Księżnej Daisy von Pless. Over this past weekend, Countess Beatrice von Hochberg died on 10 October at Munich. She was ninety-two years-old. The countess was the eldest sister of the current Prince of Pless. Count Konrad and Countess Beatrice. Photo (c) Zamek Książ w Wałbrzychu. Countess Clotilde von Hochberg (formerly Princess of Pless) with…

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Archaeologist and Author: Prince Erkinger von Schwarzenberg (1933-2022)

Prince Erkinger von Schwarzenberg died on 29 April at San Casciano, near Florence. The prince had turned eighty-nine years-old earlier that month. The prince’s father Johann and mother Kathleen. Born on 8 April 1933 at Vienna, Prince Karl Erkinger Thaddäus von Schwarzenberg was the first child and only son of Prince Johann von Schwarzenberg (1903-1978) and Vicomtesse…

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An Engagement in the Princely House of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg

Hereditary Prince Ludwig zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg has recently become engaged to Helene von Pezold.   Born in 1994, Prince Ludwig Hubertus Alfred-Ernst Sebastian Carl Roman zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg is the third child and only son of Fürst Ludwig zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (b.1951) and Countess Elisabeth von Waldburg-Wolfegg-Waldsee (b.1962). Ludwig has two older sisters: Princess Sophie (married to Count Constantn…

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