The Duke and Duchess of Sussex: Rogue Royals?

Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’6RooWCljRAlB-7N9H6NxOA’,sig:’Tr5XfGid-Wb6o8OH4EV2naXbsVBq2JwPhwoKWqB0Vj8=’,w:’457px’,h:’594px’,items:’1053237790′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })}); On Wednesday, 8 January, Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced that they intend to step back as “senior royals” in 2020. However, the royal couple will remain as working members of the Royal Family. The duke, who is the second son of…

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A Name for the Brooksbank Baby Boy

Mr Jack Brooksbank, Master August Brooksbank, and Princess Eugenie.   This from the Royal Family today:    Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie and Mr Jack Brooksbank have announced that they have named their son August Philip Hawke Brooksbank.    The couple have been touched by the well wishes they have received on the birth of…

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Liechtenstein: Prince Eugen turns 80!

Earlier this year, on March 20, Prince Eugen of Liechtenstein turned 80 years-old. His family will gather and celebrate his birthday later in June! Prince Eugen of Liechtenstein with his daughter Anna and her husband Count Alexander Kottulinsky. (Beware of using these images without permission!) Prince Eugen was born in Mährisch-Sternberg, an estate owned by…

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The 95th Birthday of Sylviane Muselier, Half-Sister of Queen Geraldine of Albania

Sylviane in front of portraits of her sister Queen Geraldine and her brother-in-law King Zog. Today, Sylviane Girault Muselier turns ninety-five! Gladys Virginia Stewart. Born on 3 August 1927 at Mehun-sur-Yèvre, Centre-Val de Loire, Sylviane Girault was the eldest child of and Gontran Girault (1882-1964) and Gladys Virginia Stewart (1891–1947), who wed in 1926. Sylviane was joined by…

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The Demonisation of Queen Mother Frederica of Greece During the 1974 Greek Referendum

“COMING!!!”Poster from the anti-monarchy campaign in the 1974 Greek referendum. In the chapter on King Constantine II of Greece in Royalty in Exile by Charles Fenyvesi, the author notes on page 181 that “the most effective weapon in the antimonarchist campaign was a poster with Frederika’s picture captioned, ‘I am coming!’“ For almost a decade, I was…

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