The Tulip Ball in Amsterdam Raises Funds for Reforestation in Romania

Prince Nicholas of Romania. Photo (c) PPE / Albert Nieboer.  On Saturday, 28 May, the Tulip Ball was held in Amsterdam. This year, the charitable event raised funds for the Prince Nicholas Association (Asociația Principele Nicolae) and its endeavours to combat deforestation in Romania. Among the attendees were Prince Nicholas of Romania, Hereditary Prince Alexander of Mecklenburg and…

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Archduchess Margherita of Austria-Este, Princess of Savoy-Aosta (1930-2022)

+  Archduchess Margherita of Austria-Este, née Princess of Savoy-Aosta (7 April 1930-10 January 2022)   Princess Margherita of Savoy-Aosta on the eve of her marriage. Today, HI&RH Archduchess Margherita of Austria-Este, Princess of Savoy-Aosta, died at the age of ninety-one years-old. The archduchess died in Basel, Switzerland; this being the town where she and her…

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Count and Countess of Paris to Attend Wedding of Prince Napoléon and Countess Olympia Arco-Zinneberg

Per French journalist Frédéric de Natal, Prince Jean and Princess Philomena d’Orléans, Count and Countess of Paris, will be among the guests at the October wedding of Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon and Countess Olympia Arco-Zinneberg. Other attendees will include members of the imperial family of Austria, royal family of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, ducal family of Parma, and…

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In Memoriam: Infanta Pilar of Spain (1936 – 2020)

In Memoriam † Infanta doña Pilar de España (1936 – 2020) Duquesa de Badajoz Vizcondesa viuda de la Torre Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’qbdf4ZjxTzRfl85hpf0jaA’,sig:’mkNTklkifTuBYbmzV_zg_InvE5tMY-kxSZNXiOzIG7U=’,w:’461px’,h:’594px’,items:’514134678′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })}); Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’Ekn6Kij_SONujiqjQW9lRw’,sig:’QF6-V4MUJjyDndXNjoDXPAlksZjNm-hLLBgr2hdRFT4=’,w:’594px’,h:’375px’,items:’78854996′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })}); Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’YvuoGeLYS4JK9HYe0DPk5A’,sig:’AeizXqfIO34N9Sea2GoOML4ebWVatKeLQ5vFLpufHoQ=’,w:’594px’,h:’397px’,items:’113943028′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })}); Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’ogi20zBnSqllCwFknGWVcQ’,sig:’h5yBsWnVk7t7biq8-WCjX5WsOyUGLUsfr_FXO7NzIG0=’,w:’395px’,h:’594px’,items:’680458742′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })});…

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Death of the Head of the Princely House of Bismarck

Embed from Getty Images Aged eighty-eight, Fürst Ferdinand von Bismarck has passed away following complications experienced during a surgery. Ferdinand was the great-grandson of Otto von Bismarck, former German Chancellor. The late fürst is survived by his wife, Fürstin Elisabeth (b.1939; née Lippens), and by three children: the new Fürst Carl-Eduard (b.1961), Count Gregor (b.1964),…

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An Imperial Union That Was Not To Be: Archduke Karl of Austria and (now) Archduchess Camilla of Austria

Archduke Karl and Archduchess Camilla of Austria, 2019. Photo (c) IMAGO / Viennareport. In the late 1980s or early 1990s, Archduke Karl of Austria (b.1961) was in a relationship with his distant cousin Camilla Habsburg-Lothringen (b.1962). Karl was the eldest son and heir of Archduke Otto of Austria, Crown Prince of Hungary, and his wife Archduchess…

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