Huno and Johann: The Twin Dukes of Oldenburg Celebrate Their Birthday

Hereditary Grand Duke Nikolaus of Oldenburg and Princess Helene of Waldeck and Pyrmont Hereditary Grand Duchess Helene of Oldenburg Hereditary Grand Duke Nikolaus of Oldenburg and Hereditary Grand Duchess Helene (née Waldeck und Pyrmont) On 3 January 1940, Hereditary Grand Duke Nikolaus of Oldenburg (1897-1970) and his wife Hereditary Grand Duchess Helene (1899-1948; née Princess…

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The Golden Wedding Anniversary of Jaroslav & Elisabeth Lobkowicz

Jaroslav and Elisabeth. Today, Fürst Jaroslav and Fürstin Elisabeth Lobkowicz celebrate fifty years of marriage. On 29 July 1971 at Chebry-en-Sereine, then Hereditary Prince Jaroslav Lobkowicz (b.1942) and Elisabeth de Vienne (b.1947) were married. Jaroslav was the son of Fürst Jaroslav von Lobkowicz (1910-1985) and Countess Gabrielle von Korff gen. Schmising-Kerssenbrock 1917-2008). Elisabeth was the daughter of…

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