Royal Death Notices

My appreciation to a dear friend, member of the German Gotha, for sending us copies of two death notices: First Franz Alexander of Isenburg and Duke Friedrich of Württemberg. This has been a dreadful week in royal losses! I first met Duke Friedrich many years ago while attending a royal wedding. later, I met him…

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Princess Geraldine of Albania is One!

Princess Geraldine with her parents Crown Princess Elia and Crown Prince Leka.Picture courtesy of HRH Crown Princess Elia. Today, Princess Geraldine of Albania celebrates her first birthday!   The princess was born at 9:30am on Thursday, 22 October 2020, at the Queen Geraldine Maternity Hospital in Tirana. Geraldine is the first child of Crown Prince…

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You Can Now Watch the New Film “Queen Marie of Romania” Online with Subtitles

Queen Marie of Romania from Abis Studio on Vimeo. Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’tTIqgLufSjtXw2cZ5AT4vg’,sig:’HVPXfJPzpAeJuVFIYVTwHfae6_hWHmN707cI32HWopg=’,w:’436px’,h:’594px’,items:’3139588′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })}); If you are interested, you can rent online the film Queen Marie of Romania (Maria – Inima Romaniei), produced by Abis Studio. It is available with subtitles in English, French, and Romanian. Alexis Sweet Cahill directed the…

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