50 Years Since the Marriage of Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia & Princess Maria da Gloria of Orléans and Braganza

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Yugoslavia during their Orthodox religious wedding. Maria da Gloria and Alexander. Her father Pedro Gastão can be seen behind them. The engagement announcement in the Daily Telegraph of 21 December 1971. On 1 July 1972, Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia and Princess Maria da Gloria of Orléans and…

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The Wedding of TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Today, inside St George’s Chapel, Windsor, HRH Prince Henry of Wales and his fiancée Ms Meghan Markle exchanged wedding vows. TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex Earlier today, Buckingham Palace released an announcement in which HM The Queen granted her grandson Henry the title of Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton, Baron Kilkeel. https://www.royal.uk/prince-harry-and-ms-meghan-markle-announcement-titles…

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Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1933-2022)

Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke Carl of Württemberg, and Princess Marie-Thérèse d’Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier in 2000.Photo (c) Seeger-Press. According to the Annuario della Nobiltà Italiana, Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies died on Saturday, 29 January, at the age of eighty-eight. The Royal Family of Württemberg gather in 1973 to celebrate the 80th birthday of…

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Princess Isabelle d’Orléans Receives First Communion

Prince Charles-Philippe and Princess Diana of Orléans, Duke of Anjou and Duchess of Cadaval, with their daughter Princess Isabelle.Photograph (c) David Nivière. Princess Isabelle.Photograph (c) David Nivière.   On Saturday, 19 June, Princess Isabelle d’Orléans received her first communion in Cascais, Portugal. Princess Isabelle is the only child of Prince Charles-Philippe d’Orléans, Duke of Anjou,…

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Volodia’s return!

©Eurohistory More than 16 years ago, EUROHISTORY published a rare biography of the young poet Prince Vladimir Paley, son of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich and Olga Karnovich (later Countess von Hohenfelsen, Princess Paley). Authored by Jorge Francisco Sáenz, the world’s authority on “Volodia” Paley, A POET AMONG THE ROMANOVS was an immediate success. Two print…

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The Funeral of Prince Luiz of Brazil

The coffin of Prince Luiz. Members of the Brazilian Navy surround the coffin. Photo (c) Pró Monarquia. On Monday, 18 July 2022, the funeral of HIH Prince Luiz  of Brazil took place at the Church of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus in São Paulo. The burial took place following the funeral at the Consolação…

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