Eduard Habsburg, Hungarian Ambassador to the Vatican, Visits the Heart of Archduke Otto in Hungary

Archduke Eduard praying in front of the heart of Archduke OttoPhotograph (c) Eduard Habsburg Archduke Eduard of Austria recently paid his respects to his late cousin, Archduke Otto (1912-2011). Eduard visited the crypt of the Abbey of Pannonhalma in Hungary, where Otto’s heart is interred. According to Eduard, Otto made the choice for the urn holding…

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Thyra, Duchesse d’Harcourt (1930-2021)

La duchesse d’Harcourt.Portrait (c) Carme Arisa. Thyra de Zayas, Duchesse d’Harcourt, died on 8 November 2021. She was ninety-one years-old.      Alfonso de Zayas. Juliette d’Harcourt. Born on 31 August 1930 at Palma de Mallorca, Maria Teresa “Thyra” de Zayas y d’Harcourt was the daughter of don Alfonso de Zayas y Bobadilla (1896-1970), Marques de…

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Archaeologist and Author: Prince Erkinger von Schwarzenberg (1933-2022)

Prince Erkinger von Schwarzenberg died on 29 April at San Casciano, near Florence. The prince had turned eighty-nine years-old earlier that month. The prince’s father Johann and mother Kathleen. Born on 8 April 1933 at Vienna, Prince Karl Erkinger Thaddäus von Schwarzenberg was the first child and only son of Prince Johann von Schwarzenberg (1903-1978) and Vicomtesse…

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Twins Expected In The Royal House Of Hannover!

This week, amidst some rather bleak news, there was an happy announcement from the Royal House of Hannover. Prince Christian and Princess Alessandra of Hannover are expecting twins in Summer 2020. The children will be the first offspring for the couple. Embed from Getty Images window.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:’ozaOfFiyRNViWZmkrRiPMA’,sig:’VLfvDCLppck-qFPt6akUEHady2xRu8V8xAouvd-Iqq4=’,w:’594px’,h:’419px’,items:’932900338′,caption: true ,tld:’com’,is360: false })}); On 24 November 2017, Prince…

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Will the Artist Formerly Known as Delphine Boël Become HRH Princess Delphine of Belgium? Quite Possibly.

The Shadow of Delphine. This afternoon, 10 September, the last hearing took place in the paternity case between HM King Albert II of the Belgians and his daughter Delphine Boël. The Brussels Court of Appeals will deliver its decision by the end of October. After the hearing, Delphine Boël’s lawyer Marc Uyttendaele stated: “She wants…

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The Death of the 13th Duke de Brissac

François de Cossé-Brissac, XIII Duc de Brissac. On Tuesday, 6 April 2021, the 13th Duke de Brissac passed away at the age of ninety-two. Surrounded by his family, the duke died at his manor La Roche in Charcé-Saint-Ellier. The late duke was particularly passionate about horse breeding, and he served as a municipal councillor in…

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The 50th Birthday of Prince Christian zu Schaumburg-Lippe

Today, Prince Christian zu Schaumburg-Lippe celebrates his fiftieth birthday! Left to right: newlyweds Princess Lena and Prince Christian of Schaumburg-Lippe, Queen Margarethe II of Denmark, Princess Ilona and Prince Wilhelm of Schaumburg-Lippe, 2009. Photograph (c) dpa picture alliance archive / Alamy Stock Photo. Born on 4 September 1971 at Munich, Prince Christian Hubertus Clemens-August Friedrich-Sigismund Louis-Ferdinand…

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The Death of a Noble Woman: Fürstin Marie of Liechtenstein (1940-2021)

Fürstin Marie and Fürst Hans Adam II at the beautification mass of Pope John Paul II, 2011. Photograph (c) Getty Images / Vittorio Zunino Celotto. Earlier today, Fürstin Marie of Liechtenstein, the wife of Fürst Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, died at Grabs, Switzerland. She was eighty-one years-old. The princess had suffered a stroke on 18 August; she suffered from poor…

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