55 Years Since the Passing of the Last Queen of Portugal

A Hohenzollern gathering at Burg Hohenzollern in 1961. Front row: Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna of Russia, Fürstin Margarete of Hohenzollern, Countess Augusta Victoria Douglas, and Princess Xenia of Prussia. On 29 August 1966, Countess Augusta Victoria Douglas (née Princess of Hohenzollern; former Queen of Portugal) died at Eigeltingen, Baden-Württemberg. She was seventy-six years-old. Princess Maria Teresa…

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70th Birthday of Prince Georg of Hannover; Nephew of Duke of Edinburgh & Cousin of Prince of Wales

Prince Georg of Hannover and his mother Princess Sophie in 1996 Photograph (c) Seeger-Presse Today, 9 December, Prince Georg of Hannover marks his seventieth birthday. Through his father Georg Wilhelm, Georg of Hannover is a nephew of Prince Ernst August of Hannover (1914-1987), Queen Frederica of Greece (1917-1981; wife of King Paul of the Hellenes),…

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OTD: Sixty Years Since the Death of Prince François d’Orleans During Military Service in Algeria

Press coverage of the death of Prince François d’Orléans. On Tuesday, 11 October 1960, Prince François d’Orléans was killed in action at the Kabilye Mountains by members of the Algerian National Front. The prince, twenty-five and a second lieutenant in the Chasseurs Alpins, had returned from a leave in France just three weeks earlier. Upon…

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