Not Coup! Prince Reuß Arrested for Plotting to Overthrow German Government

  This morning, along with around twenty-five other individuals, Prince Heinrich XIII Reuß zu Köstritz was arrested in Germany. The group, labeled as a terrorist organisation, was planning to overthrow the current German government, and install Prince Heinrich XIII as monarch. Former members of the military were involved, as well as several individuals with close…

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New Photos of the Russian Imperial Couple With Their Son Alexander!

  The happy parents with their son!Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov. The Russian Imperial House has released many new photos of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, Princess Victoria Romanovna Romanoff, and little Prince Alexander Georgievich Romanoff. Enchanted parents.Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov. The pictures were taken on the…

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Religious Wedding Today for Princess Flaminia of Hohenzollern & Baron Károly von Stipsicz de Ternova

Károly and Flaminia on the day of their civil marriage, June 2020. Photograph (c) Atelier Sophia Galen. Princess Flaminia of Hohenzollern and Baron Károly von Stipsicz de Ternova are to be religiously married today, 26 June 2021. The couple had originally scheduled their wedding for 4 July 2020 at St. Johann Church in Sigmaringen Castle;…

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Imperial Honours for Prince Antônio and Princess Christine of Brazil on Their 39th Anniversary

Dom Antônio and Dona Christine. Photograph (c) Prò Monarquia. Yesterday, September 26, Prince Dom Luiz of Orleans and Bragança, Head of the Imperial House of Brazil, granted the additional style of  “Imperial Highness” to his brother, Prince Dom Antônio of Orleans and Braganza. Prince Dom Antônio will now be styled “His Imperial and Royal Highness,”…

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